Tithes and Offerings

Stanborough Park Church
Other ways of Giving



“You should each give, then, as you have decided, not with regret or out of a sense of duty; for God loves the one who gives gladly. And God is able to give you more than you need so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause” 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 Good News Translation
The general offerings (church budget offerings) that you give to Stanborough Park Church are used to fund the various programmes that are run by the Church (eg Messy Church, Pathfinders, Soup Run, Welfare, Children’s Sabbath Schools etc and towards the costs of maintaining the Church premises.  In addition specific offerings may be given.  For example - to pay off the development loan or to fund the work that the One Vision Project is doing to support those affected by Covid-19 or the Good Samaritan Fund.

The Church continues to need maintenance, cleaning, heating and lighting etc.  In the hope that the various programmes will be able to resume in the not too distant future the Church needs your offerings.  In a normal year the Church receives significant income from the letting of the Stanborough Centre.  As the Centre has been closed for much of the year this will be very significantly reduced in 2020.

Please remember your Church.

If you are giving under the Gift Aid scheme please quote your Gift Aid number in the reference on your transfer and/or in the email that you send to treasury@stanboroughchurch.org with the details of your transfer.

If we have your email address then you will be sent an electronic receipt.


Bank Account Details
Account Number: 40650561
Sort Code: 60-00-08
Account Name: Stanborough Pk Church Seventh
Account Type: Business
Reference: Name and Gift Aid No

If using Gift Aid or funds other than church budget offering
or you need a receipt please email the treasury department
with the details including

Please provide the following information by email:
Your name
Your Gift Aid number (if applicable)
Church budget offering                                                 £xxx
Church development offering                                        £xxx
Donation to One Vision Project for Covid 19 support.      £xxx
Donation to Women’s Ministries                                    £xxx
Donation to A N Other Church Department                    £xxx
Total                                                                          £xxx


Have you thought about setting up a Standing Order?

Your offerings would be transferred regularly without you having to remember.  One email to treasury@stanboroughchurch.org would be required to tell us the details. If applicable, please use your Gift Aid number as the reference.


Please remember that we receive many bank transfers and that we do not know what your transfer is for unless you tell us.

If you do not tell us otherwise we will assume that your transfer is for the church budget offering.



Any tithes that are received by Stanborough Park Church are transferred to the South England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (SEC). SEC is responsible for the spending of these monies. Tithes are used, amongst other things, to pay the church pastors.

Sabbath School/World Mission Offerings are also transferred to SEC to be spent in accordance with the worldwide Adventist Church plan.

If you are already making a bank transfer to Stanborough Park Church for your offerings, then we are happy to accept your tithes and Sabbath School offering and we will transfer them to SEC.

If you just wish to transfer your tithes and Sabbath School offering, please go to the SEC website (sec.adventist.uk) and click on the donate button at the top right of your screen.


Thank you to all the faithful members who continue to give their tithes and offerings.

If you have any queries, please contact the Treasury Team – treasury@stanboroughchurch.org.