The Sabbath School includes Bible study groups for all ages, from toddlers to adults which meet each week. It provides the opportunity for church members and visitors to study the bible in discussion groups and creates a sense of fellowship and community. People get to know each other and develop friendships. Group discussion highlights needs and allows everyone to grow spiritually.

Sabbath School also focuses on the wider church family creating awareness of our responsibility to become involved in the needs of those less fortunate than ourselves through mission projects that reach out into the wider world. Special projects are selected by the international Church to support development of hospitals, colleges, evangelistic centres, Aids awareness. Projects that help people where the need is greatest and also forward the work of the gospel. Participating in mission outreach enables the individual to know that he or she is part of a world-wide family that is involved in practical ways of helping others. Sabbath School creates a rich spiritual environment to help us grow in Christian experience. It has something for everyone. Click on the different age groups of Sabbath School links to find out a little more about Sabbath School and resources available.