Restoring the Glory
Week of Prayer
This week we will be comparing the construction and dedication of the physical building where God's people worshipped Him in the days of Solomon, to the “construction” and “dedication” of the lives of the people—the “temples” of the Holy Spirit—who assembled in that edifice. We will compare what took place at the time of Solomon with what occurred in the time of the early church and in the life of Christ. It was during the construction phase of Solomon's Temple that the seeds of future blessings and later struggles emerged. There are many lessons to be gained as the church prepares to worship in the newly rehabilitated sanctuary.
Week Schedule
1/11 - Sunday
Chosen and Blessed to Restore God's Glory
2/11 - Monday
Building for Eternity
3/11 - Tuesday
Decisions to Restore and Maintain God's Glory
4/11 - Wednesday
Restoring God's Presence
5/11 - Thursday
Restoring God's Power
6/11 - Friday
Restoring God's Relationships
About our special speaker, Dan Augsburger.
Dan Augsburger has been spending part of the year teaching one course on the history of practical Christianity at the Andrews Theological Seminary on a contract basis since 2007, and the rest of the year he holds revivals and weeks of prayer at churches, schools and other venues throughout the world.
Speaking appointments have included camp meetings, youth congresses, both of the most recent General Conference meetings, Bible Schools, pastoral training retreats and churches. Common themes are prayer, overcoming, revival, relationships, practical church history, witnessing as a lifestyle, and what it means to be like Jesus.
He also prepares materials on practical Christian themes, including study guides on prayer (Prevailing Prayer, Prayer of Faith, Shall We Pray For The Sick and Ask, Believe, Rejoice); victory (The More Abundant Life,Thoughts on Holiness and The Indwelling Christ); relationships (The God-Arranged Marriage); Revival (Revival Now! and Praying And Living For Revival); and witnessing (The Witnessing Lifestyle, Enter His Joy and Soul-Winning Training-the latter two were developed with RoseMarie).
He also did the research for the "dying to self" section of the new encyclopedia of the writings of Ellen White. He also maintains the websites (the latter will soon be separate